If you are a small to medium sized buisness who has traditionally had an in house IT setup (Hyper V/Citrix/Data Servers), managed by one or two internal IT staff then it may be time to consider a change. There are various reasons for this:
- Technology has moved on, physical servers are becoming more of rarity and a decison to replace/upgrade is merely kicking the can down the road. Initial capital investment can be replaced with monthly flexible rental costs. Thus may have tax advantages.
- With increased cybersecurity threats it is becoming ever more complex and costly to protect in house systems from attack.
- Backup and secure storage need to considered and may be an additional cost.
- Do the IT staff have the necessary knowledge to continue supporting the systems and is there adequate holiday/sickness cover.
- Disaster recovery - is there off site replication, what if the power or environmental services (a/c) fail - can the business staff work remotely even if the main office is unavailable.
- The hosting company take care of all the hardware and software maintenance leaving your own staff to work on the busines, rather than IT. The hosted company staff are specialists and have a team of experts with experience in many fields, if you currently employ a support company then this cost could be eliminated or significantly reduced.